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  1. Prof Nik Volt

    What Saul Shall Never Know

    At the end of every spring term I get a bit depressed. Today was my last class of the 2022 sem. I know my students shall do just fine. I just hope that I have done right by them. ...I shall miss every one of them. I shall never forget any of them. I love them all more than they shall ever know...
  2. Prof Nik Volt

    Saul...I am laughing at your intellect

    1-d thinking.
  3. Prof Nik Volt

    Saul thinks it is ok to gang R*pe Women

    Wait what did you say on Lil Joey's stream. You think this is ok.....You are such a stupid little man.
  4. Prof Nik Volt

    I wrote a song about stupid saul...

    about how sad he is.
  5. Prof Nik Volt

    Saw-ool the failed old man

    ENJOY! Nik I also think it is such a cheap shot to try to mock someone's art just because they said something that hurt your feeling. I just saw what cleric said.....he said nothing bad at all.... So I really do not understand any of this. I was not even going to bother to what Tuesday's...
  6. Prof Nik Volt

    Hello World

    I heard this is the place to be. Hello all..fear not your local physicist is here!

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