It's really up to the stork. Sometimes the stork has a perfect flight and landing then gently sets the baby down before knocking on the door and quickly flying away.Blessed be the auditor for they shall inherit the internet.... What in God's name is wrong with these people????
That is because most storks are responsible and follow the rules and fly with the proper license, a few storks spent too much time on YouTube and believe that they just travel via the air and always grab the babies at the very shallowest end of the gene pool as they have the inherent right to stay as dry as possible...It's really up to the stork. Sometimes the stork has a perfect flight and landing then gently sets the baby down before knocking on the door and quickly flying away.
Sometimes the stork's flight is plagued with turbulence, his wings get weary, his vision blurred and he carelessly bangs on the door with the baby's head.
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