Here is a photo of Richard Garcia Aguirre beautiful home on Koreatown.
If anyone is in LA I’m sure he’d love a visit
What surprises me is that with all the Korean women that he alarms, threatens, curses out, etc., without any provocation whatsoever, that NONE of them seem to be a gang-member's relative or loved one and either hearing about it or witnessing it themselves takes exception to it.
Silence *advertiser censored* is like Andy Kaufman as a wrestler. He's the world champion ......................... only against women competitors. Always leaves me wondering what happened to the MEN who SEE or HEAR about his bullying women.
Isn't there ever a husband or boyfriend, or brother waiting in a car for a woman who ran into a store to get food only to run into one of Silence Boy's threats or bullying tirades, and upon seeing Silence *advertiser censored* give his loved on the not so Silent *advertiser censored* treatment, exits the vehicle, and executes an unscheduled moon launch?
IMO, any son, or brother, or father, seeing or hearing of this, who would do less is even less of a man than the NotSilentEnough *advertiser censored*.
A large part of the problem is that the COMMUNITY ITSELF doesn't hold him accountable and help him to correct his sociopathic narcissism and, what demonstratively appears to me to be his innate hatred of women.