What are your thoughts on this after seeing Carl arrested in front of his daughter? Should auditors take their children with them while also proclaiming how dangerous it is?
Specific to the question about Carl's arrest in front of his daughter, I am sad for his daughter and pissed at Carl. The arrest was totally unnecessary and his point could have been made without pushing the officer to the point of wanting to arrest Carl.
I am also troubled with the arrest of Carl with his daughter present when I consider the time, place, and manner of the audit. Based on comments made by the co-auditor, they area was somewhat rough with drunks and other creatures of the night. They were auditing in a "bar" district and the hour was late, which leads to the next question.
Taking children with you while auditing is not a simple yes or no answer. In addition to considering the time, place, and manner of the audit one
MUST consider the child. What is the age of the child? Is the child physically and mentally capable of participating in the audit process?
An example of where it may have been appropriate is when HDCW and his son were auditing together and were confronted by numerous probation officers. There is no doubt that the audit turned south quickly, but IMO the blame lies with the probation officers for the majority of the disaster. The audit was conducted during the early afternoon and in public areas of county property. The child was a teenager and not of grade school age.
You raised some great questions and I look forward to the perspectives of both the auditor and non-auditor "community."