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  1. FearMyFez

    So I got pulled over this morning....

    :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek: That's Bucket Boy? Unlike the commercial, "Today's your Brut day": That proud missing tooth, bovine, mongoloid drawn from the very shallowest end of the gene pool is the great and powerful "Bucketboy" that not...
  2. FearMyFez

    So I got pulled over this morning....

    Pre-google, pre-wiki. If you wanted to credibly opine intelligently on anything and everything under the sun, you actually needed to be well-educated, well-read, and well-informed rather than simply being a parrot without really understanding the words. Like Tyrant Slayer Studios, Glenn Cerio's...
  3. FearMyFez

    So I got pulled over this morning....

    A band from a time when words and names were misspelled intentionally. Monkees, Beatles, the Byrds, etc. Pre spellcheck days... #FearMyFez
  4. FearMyFez

    So I got pulled over this morning....

    Hey hey we're the
  5. FearMyFez

    Welcome, Hannah!

    What is your jurisdiction here? Name and badge number? I need 3 forms of ID! This goes against my 1st, 4th and 14th amendments! I hope that you realize that we will be taking this to FEDERAL court! You are really overstepped your bounds here and have totally lost your qualified immunity! You...
  6. FearMyFez

    So I got pulled over this morning....

    Only due to her quick presence of mind and artistic talent were the other highwaymen able to identify this rogue road pirate who against Corsair's policy, DID NOT IDENTIFY, so a complaint could be filed with Corsair's Faithful themselves! By the burning candles of Blackbeard's face, those road...
  7. FearMyFez

    So I got pulled over this morning....

    This is all that I saw...
  8. FearMyFez

    Great money saving opportunity

    Ginsu knives
  9. FearMyFez

    Great money saving opportunity

    At the resident Fezant, the Amon-Ra Chris Semaj, Caliph, mighty first sword and glorious defender of Marrakech, Royal Emir of the ancient freely traveling clan of El-Bey, I want to make a most generous offer to all here. Are you tired of paying drivers license fees, insurance, registration, heck...
  10. FearMyFez

    An idea

    I’m almost positive that AssElmo,Whiskboy, and sol all hang together in NYC After seeing how hard those 3 are, I would never recommend going near them, also Universol has the look of a excommunicated Catholic priest so wear your pants tight if you get my drift. I the great and powerful Fezant...
  11. FearMyFez

    Silenceboy & KC Transparency Bromance over

    Loyalty among friends AND proper grammar seem to both share equally scarcity in frauditing. The three way docking station between them and Furry potato, the unholy alliance of the sisterhood of the traveling potato cam has failed... Not since the alliances of Elves, Men and Dwarves failed has...
  12. FearMyFez

    Silenceboy & KC Transparency Bromance over

    There’s a post on KC’s community page that Silencebeta isn’t honoring a giveaway & is a liar. And KC (who weirdly capitalizes every word on every post) is trying to deny he has anything to do with it. #Thassimple
  13. FearMyFez

    Michigan Constitutional Crusader

    These truly brave individuals who hail from the state I reside in have dedicated their lives to defend your constitutional rights while simultaneously fighting these tyrants as well as any semblance of personal hygiene. Have you any concept of what that pizza place or Vlassic pickles have in...
  14. FearMyFez

    Auditing pickle companies???

    NC sling blade and Fricken media have shown us "this is the way", obviously the tyrannical pickles have gotten the attention of the auditing community. I am so very blessed to know that my rights will never be infringed again by say "pickle Rick"? I am just curious if these slags have any idea...
  15. FearMyFez


    You know that he has a manifesto hidden in the filth he lives in.... #FearMyFez
  16. FearMyFez

    An idea

    "Blessed be the Auditor, for they will inherit the Earth". Book of Fez Ch 9 V. 11
  17. FearMyFez


    Fools? You do realize that Glenn has like a 400 level in English, correct? "God's cannot be arrested" ~Glenn Cerio
  18. FearMyFez

    Hey you all

    I bid you welcome as the Royal Fezant, the Amon-Ra Chris Semaj, Caliph, first sword and mighty defender of Marrakech and the greater Moroccan empire, glorious Emir of the ancient traveling clan of El-Bey. May you "Basque" in the many blessings of my fez!
  19. FearMyFez


    I am the Fezant and I approve this message...

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