Another Acura Amanda protege and associate.
I've heard of burning your britches and burning your bra. But burning your teabag is a new one on me!
Fiona speaks about being "kidnapped" by authorities for throwing a smoke bomb in/at Mar a lago, though soon after being released from captivity...
I won't own a google account.
Two hours of music, this caterwauling twerp trying to sing along with a voice that can be described as mutiny on the high Cs.
From Pink Floyd/David Gilmore's Shine on Crazy Diamond to reggae/ska, all VERY recognizable.
What a voice!! He should cultivate it...
the genius writes:
"When "Them" send you a bill or a form of payment and claim you owe any amount of monies, You have the absolute right to Goto the public office of witch that paper was sent from and ask them to explain it to you word for word detail by detail and if they are unable to...
At 20:30 in spots a black history month tribute:
"Look at this! Thank God! At least they haven't forgotten black history
Like sure, sure, HE'S a HUGE aficionado and major proponent of black history! And he's just so pleased to see a subject he cares so profoundly about is being...
Which branch of the military did DMA serve in to accuse "Schroder", as he calls him, of (get this..... you ready for it?) "HATING FREEDOM"?
And he accuses "Schroder" of HATING FREEDOM with that mouth and teeth of his that are like a walking billboard for the SAMSHA National Helpline, IMO...
Man Fighting A Felony Charge All Over A CD!, organized by Rita Barnes
Rita Barnes is organizing this fundraiser.
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OR, is she falsifying her identity for her Jesse Lee Go Fund Me?
A side note: Coincidentally, as a child I had a duck named Amanda! No camera...
The Great Doctor Dave's take on the Utica PD's catch and release of Spanky:
Particularly noteworthy is this still from 9:14 of this 11 minute and 19 second video:
The great tooth migration and erosion.
The skin
The double-dragging on whatever the *advertiser censored* he's smoking here.
YOU make the call!!!
You have fans here!
Inter-thread warp drive:
Starts at 20:36 of this multi-part, well-composed Familia TV video:
Marc J Stout's channels:
Tim commenting, on his comment section:
Tyrant Slayer Studios
16 hours ago (edited)
@Bob Transvaal unlike your drowning, pathetic rabid cat worshipers and his classless, bigoted, delusional friends engaged in willful CRIMINAL copyright infringement, swinging a fake gavel around, putting out...
The Los Angeles Creeper.
THIS is the Creep, Richard Garcia Aguirre, that creeps up on and creeps out your wives, sisters, and daughters as they try to eat in peace at Los Angeles area restaurant's sidewalk seating and then lays his foul tongue upon them, sometimes threatening them with pepper...
A *advertiser censored* creep with a camera. Look at his reflection in the store's window glass as he harasses 3 women trying to eat in peace.
"Mind your own business... 3 words", the *advertiser censored* low grade moron stammers in his typical, patented, idiotic stupor.
Sworn to uphold Schrodinger Cat's tradition of angering Tyrant Slayer Studios, there's a NEW Cat in town. And he goes by Blue Bacon!!
...does THIS resemble any Jose Gonzalez that we all know and love?:
America's Most Wanted Fans (
(Above photo credit: LAPD Most Wanted websit
Fugitive Profile as of March 17th, 2015 (based on LAPD Most Wanted website):
Sex: Male
Descent: Hispanic
Height: 510
Weight: 185
On today's venue: Louisiana Lawsuit Lotto (Baton Rouge Bingo).
"They THREW me down the steps". "PUSHED"????
Here's what getting "THROWN" or "PUSHED" down steps looks like for comparison
If you're not a snowflake you would readily recognize the difference between an off-balanced misstep...
Looking for love in all the wrong places?
Isn't there a local "bear cave" where this bellowing sow can indulge in the type of palaver with this cop concerning acts he appears to be fixated upon?
What's up with that? Over and over again, El Gordo here keeps steering the conversation back to...
Looke like Alex Karras making a tackle at 15:00 :
The direct approach. Effective, with enough mass and speed propelling it. A body tackle, or "spear" as some call it. It also works very well near ground level. If the target is caught flat footed or on his heels, both knees easily break and if...
Fantastic Four #48 CGC 7.5 Restored | eBay
Nick should just take whatever opaque film or tape is over the lens off of it and the camera will work fine. His followers don't NEED to buy him new equipment. Or is that a ploy? A tactic? A scam? Another form of E-begging that he and Jay cooked up...
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