NNO has heavily criticized others asking for help while saying he'd never do the same. Things he's begged for: federal lawsuit (never filed), furnace repairs, vehicle repairs, a sump pump, utilities, cable, gas money and now a hotel room for several days a mere hour from his home.
He's lied about Theresa, he's lied about me, he's lied in support of earl.
She has an attorney, he's lying about it taking another 1 to 3 months to get one appointed. He's lying about her ability to make calls. He's lying about needing a hotel for an hour trip one way. He lied about the number of court dates, I count 4 so far. Jails don't allow inmates to trade commissary, he lied about it being something criminal.
Bottom line, he spun the story to make his audience more inclined to donate to something that has nothing to do with activism. He's lying for money.