I would if I had any. They could careless about the constitution, thier channels are just another grift. They have been stealing or grifting all of thier lives. They can make fun of people they hate and make money at the same time. Demonitize 1st amendment auditor and see how long they would continue. The answer is not long, because as one conn dries up there is always a new one to take it's place.To the Curators,
What's the point of posting so many auditor criminal histories? Do you somehow believe that people with criminal histories, no matter how minor or not, have forfeited all of their First Amendment rights? It would be better journalism, at least, to get some background info on the charges before insinuating anything. We know people can be convicted or forced to plead on some very questionable charges.
First post your own criminal histories, explain the situation, and then we can talk.
In the spirit of transparency, I must confess:Here is my list of misdemeanors and felonies...
not wearing a seatbelt
I guess you win, I truly need to be educated on my rights by chomos, rapists, women beaters etc...
In the spirit of transparency, I must confess:
My apartment was once broken into and the place was cleaned out. Anything not nailed down was stolen. Suspecting an inside job, the police brought me in for questioning, I confessed, got all my things back, but I beat the rap. The DA declined to press charges!
But don't think I let that stop me from suing myself in civil court for my pain and suffering.
The master Lawsuit-Lotto King himself, Long Island Audit would of been in awe of me were he in court on that historic day because I actually prevailed against the incredible odds against me of being both litigants, the plaintiff and the defendant. I represented myself superbly. Flawlessly. I WON, and was awarded a sufficiently generous cash settlement to comfortably retire!
I am filing suit Monday that all my glorious lands have been stolen by the corporation that is the United States but I heard that they were bankrupt in my many deep Moorish study groups... I suppose that I will have to root for the road pirates for a while... #FearTheFez
That could be true of a lot of them. Not me though because I’ve done this for many years without being monetized. And I will continue to with or without monetization. And I want to go past the videos and I have been me and others have worked on projects me and a few other people a lot of stuff I do doesn’t even go on Camera and if it does it often doesn’t get posted. I’m not just interested in police either I’m interested in anything in a public interest I am a member Of a local Community trash pickup group. Also when I see tattered flags I call and try to get those replaced. A lot of stuff could be here I haven’t listed it all. plus I have made myself available to so many people to the point where I’ve had to slow it down because it is intruding on my own life I want to be available I want to talk to people I want to try to help them but I have to take care of myself first and foremost . If I don’t I won’t be no good to anyone. I also think people do change sometimes I know I’ve changed a lot I’ve grown so much in the last 20 years and I’m not done I want to always be the best version of myself I can be and I will continue to strive for that.I would if I had any. They could careless about the constitution, thier channels are just another grift. They have been stealing or grifting all of thier lives. They can make fun of people they hate and make money at the same time. Demonitize 1st amendment auditor and see how long they would continue. The answer is not long, because as one conn dries up there is always a new one to take it's place.
That could be true of a lot of them. Not me though because I’ve done this for many years without being monetized. And I will continue to with or without monetization. And I want to go past the videos and I have been me and others have worked on projects me and a few other people a lot of stuff I do doesn’t even go on Camera and if it does it often doesn’t get posted. I’m not just interested in police either I’m interested in anything in a public interest I am a member Of a local Community trash pickup group. Also when I see tattered flags I call and try to get those replaced. A lot of stuff could be here I haven’t listed it all. plus I have made myself available to so many people to the point where I’ve had to slow it down because it is intruding on my own life I want to be available I want to talk to people I want to try to help them but I have to take care of myself first and foremost . If I don’t I won’t be no good to anyone. I also think people do change sometimes I know I’ve changed a lot I’ve grown so much in the last 20 years and I’m not done I want to always be the best version of myself I can be and I will continue to strive for that.
WOWZERS! You keep your community clean? You are a paragon of all humanity! I just pray that it does not interfere overly much with the filming of people who generally do not want or appreciate it. You know what the bible clearly states... #BlessedBeTheAuditor
Amy, think of how you felt at any time in your life if you were having your picture taken and you didn't WANT your picture taken.That could be true of a lot of them. Not me though because I’ve done this for many years without being monetized. And I will continue to with or without monetization. And I want to go past the videos and I have been me and others have worked on projects me and a few other people a lot of stuff I do doesn’t even go on Camera and if it does it often doesn’t get posted. I’m not just interested in police either I’m interested in anything in a public interest I am a member Of a local Community trash pickup group. Also when I see tattered flags I call and try to get those replaced. A lot of stuff could be here I haven’t listed it all. plus I have made myself available to so many people to the point where I’ve had to slow it down because it is intruding on my own life I want to be available I want to talk to people I want to try to help them but I have to take care of myself first and foremost . If I don’t I won’t be no good to anyone. I also think people do change sometimes I know I’ve changed a lot I’ve grown so much in the last 20 years and I’m not done I want to always be the best version of myself I can be and I will continue to strive for that.
Amy, think of how you felt at any time in your life if you were having your picture taken and you didn't WANT your picture taken.
Was there an instance where that occurred and the camerman PERSISTED, even though you said, "Stop!"
When you are ANYONE, but especially a woman or child, and you are feeling uncomfortable by someone's DELIBERATE actions, and say, "please stop" or just simply, "STOP!", and that person DOESN'T stop, as per your request, YOU ARE BEING VIOLATED.
And if THEY won't stop, and you take it upon yourself to remove yourself from this uncomfortable situation, you start to walk away, and they WALK AFTER YOU, despite your protestations, YOU ARE BEING VIOLATED. ESPECIALLY if you feel threatened.
And why wouldn't you feel threatened? And violated? I know. "There's no expectation of privacy in public", right?
THAT is NOT a privacy vs. public issue in the mind of the person that feels VIOLATED and STALKED, thus THREATENED.
To that person, the one with the camera is a *advertiser censored* CREEP! In fact, that's one of the prime examples of the definition "creepy behavior". Taking unwanted photos + stalking = TWO of the definitions of "creepy behavior" rolled into one.
Just think if you've EVER been in that situation. How about simply followed by someone STARING at you. Constantly. Unbroken gaze. THAT'S what camera is, right? A lens. An extension of the eyes. As long as that lens is pointed at you, you are being stared at as if the camera wasn't there. How would you feel if every time you looked at the same person, they were already staring at you and following you? A little uncomfortable? And not a well-dressed, CLEAN man in a suit. But a dirty, filthy, fully tattooed bum, who you can smell from 20 feet away, you can almost see the wavy stench lines wafting up into the air emanating from his unwashed clothes, which most are. And he's barking at you, "You're going to learn something today, Lady".
You'd think you woke up in an alternate reality, which it is to these people whose dialog is limited to the same thing over and over again:
View attachment 1169
Meanwhile, what the *advertiser censored* did you dare to do to deserve this violation?
Stand quietly in line at a post office? Sit down and eat at an outdoor table? Park your car? Or did you kill someone to deserve this, bad Karma?
This is how MOST respectful individuals view the VIOLATORS with cameras. Not as "defenders of the first amendment", but AS CREEPS, when they engage in that type of behavior.
That vulture needs a Fez
Always. But it's also been said that the Lord helps those who helps themselves, AND he works in mysterious ways!!Blessed be the name of the Lord thy God.
Amy, Amy, Amy! What would you call someone with a moderate to extensive criminal history INCLUDING JAIL TIME? Obviously you've never delved into some of these criminal histories.We are not bums. We are not criminals. In fact, if I was dead broke I couldn’t afford to do my activism. I am going on an audit soon and it will cost me money. It is kinda far so I will be getting a hotel room so I can stay the night before. It will also cost us gas,etc. A few weeks ago when Lady Justice and I went out of town we had to get a room and it costed money another activist did help us with part of our expenses that night. An activist that has a channel that is not monetized. However, I will be paying myself this time. I won’t lie it is getting expensive. I am no rich woman I am thankful and blessed that all my needs are met. However, my activism does cost me money which I don’t mind paying but I only have so much money . I have have equipment cost, the traveling (even locally) i just bought my 13 pro max today ( They had to order it though it will be here for a few days) my time, the cost (financially, physically and emotionally of being arrested) it all adds up. But I will continue to do so as long as I am led to do so I do enjoy what I do. It is stressful it’s also very fulfilling and rewarding and I have seen some changes. Do I think whatever fix all these things? All this corruption? no but I feel those of us that can must try. I will continue to try my best as long as I can as long as the good Lord allows me to do so or He tells me to do something different.
I'll start pointing out to you frauditors with IMPRESSIVE criminal credentials on a regular basis. The ones that served time for murder, manslaughter, arson, armed robbery, sex crimes, kidnapping, etc., you know, the hardcore criminals, the real "cream of the crop".We are not bums. We are not criminals. In fact, if I was dead broke I couldn’t afford to do my activism. I am going on an audit soon and it will cost me money. It is kinda far so I will be getting a hotel room so I can stay the night before. It will also cost us gas,etc. A few weeks ago when Lady Justice and I went out of town we had to get a room and it costed money another activist did help us with part of our expenses that night. An activist that has a channel that is not monetized. However, I will be paying myself this time. I won’t lie it is getting expensive. I am no rich woman I am thankful and blessed that all my needs are met. However, my activism does cost me money which I don’t mind paying but I only have so much money . I have have equipment cost, the traveling (even locally) i just bought my 13 pro max today ( They had to order it though it will be here for a few days) my time, the cost (financially, physically and emotionally of being arrested) it all adds up. But I will continue to do so as long as I am led to do so I do enjoy what I do. It is stressful it’s also very fulfilling and rewarding and I have seen some changes. Do I think whatever fix all these things? All this corruption? no but I feel those of us that can must try. I will continue to try my best as long as I can as long as the good Lord allows me to do so or He tells me to do something different.
Amy, Amy. Amy, I don't think "God" has much influence in the manner in which the MAJORITY of 1st amendment **SCHADEN-FREUDITORS tortu....... 'uh, I mean "educate" their victims.Blessed be the name of the Lord thy God.
I don’t know I can’t speak for anyone but myself. Even though there are some others out there I truly believe are like me that do have honest, pure intentions.That is what mine are. I know there are some ppl who are in this for the wrong reasons, sad but true. Of course, I didn’t realize it at first I thought they were all activist but no they’re not not in my humble opinion not all of us there’s some they’re definitely in it for either the money or attention I don’t know I know my intentions, I know my heart and I know my soul no one else’s. So if you guys think those type of people people that are just messing with people people are making all this money how do you think they make people like me feel? I’m trying to do something serious here with my time and with my money and then there’s others making money out there and they really don’t give a damn and I’m not saying no names.Amy, Amy. Amy, I don't think "God" has much influence in the manner in which the MAJORITY of 1st amendment **SCHADEN-FREUDITORS tortu....... 'uh, I mean "educate" their victims.
Most seem to take great joy in the misery they elicit and monetize from their impromptu "students" in this unasked for "education" process.
Watch some videos by SGV news first and his well-armed gang with cameras and let me know what you think.
**Is schadenfreude a mental illness?
While some degree of schadenfreude is part of the normal continuum of human experience, frequent schadenfreude can indicate a mental health condition. People with personality diagnoses such as antisocial personality may delight in the pain of others and have little regard for others' well-being.