HAAAA So you work for me!! I was under the idea Frauditors work for now one!! They are no slaves and obey orders from no one.I'm a certified steel decking installation distributor. I specialize in architectural metal design, industrial fasteners and concrete anchoring systems. I did the entire NBC building Rhode Island, and oversern operations on the addition of West Hartford PD. I own my own construction company lol, I hire help, and make charitable donations around the world every year lol, and this ain't the half of it.
But please, go on, continue to pretend to know. Clowns like you have been pretending all your lives lol.
Retired at 42 says it all lol. You're a joke, I'm a man. I don't need to flex even a finger to hit you with reality.
Sure they do. They work for youtube's advertisers. They monetize misery + clicks and views = ad revenue + $$$ = a piece of the action / paycheck.HAAAA So you work for me!! I was under the idea Frauditors work for now one!! They are no slaves and obey orders from no one.
Cops will have no choice but to continue dealing with them but the public in general can seriously limit their involvement by simply limiting their reaction to LAUGHTER.activists getting paid...huumm sounds like corruption to me